About Us - Ghost Commerce University
Helping individuals around the world with resources to create enjoyable scalable online location independent businesses.

The Mission
Ghost Commerce University is about providing potential ghost commerce students the best educational resources and tools to gain financial, location and time freedom by leveraging the power of organic social media.
I'm not going to bore you or give you some amazing personal story, I'm just a regular old guy that wanted more out of life then just the 9 to 5 working scenario. I wanted a way to make amazing money online while I was sleeping and working my regular job.
Thanks to ghost commerce and the education that I'm promoting I'm able to achieve just that and you can too !
I also want to say that for me, this is not a "Side Hustle" ! Everything I do or you do should be considered a full on effort ! We are here to create financial, location and time freedom ! I find the words "Side Hustle" to be insulting ! When I think of those words, I imagine, a side of bacon, a side of toast, a side of potatoes, or a half assed effort ! What we really want is the whole pig, the whole loaf, and the entire sack of potatoes ! Nothing you do should be a "side" ! So when you hear the words "side hustle" coming from anyone's mouth, "run" !
One more thing, if you are a young person in the prime of your life, yesterday was the time to get started with an online business. Don't let an old guy like myself out do you. However, If you're older like myself remember this: the internet does not discriminate, there is no reason you can't succeed at almost any age ! So get after it !
If you are interested getting into ghost commerce business, please refer to the main homepage here for more information and links to training.
The Internet Never $leeps !

US Marine Corps Veteran 1990-94